How To Create Pricing Table For Website Or Domain Websites With Using Ht...
HTML And CSS Cooding
August 30, 2022
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Pricing Table</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="b.css">
<div class="pricing-table">
<h2>Shared Hosting Plans</h2>
<div class="price-item">
<li class="plan">Personal</li>
<li class="price">
<span class="price-doller">$5.99</span>
<span class="discount">Save 50%</span>
<li class="btn"><button>Get Started</button></li>
<li class="list">30 GB SSD</li>
<li class="list">1 Website</li>
<li class="list">Domaine Name</li>
<div class="price-item">
<li class="plan plus">Business+</li>
<li class="price">
<span class="price-doller">$17.99</span>
<span class="discount plus">Save 50%</span>
<li class="btn"><button class="plus">Get Started</button></li>
<li class="list">60 GB SSD</li>
<li class="list">Unlimited Websites</li>
<li class="list">Domaine Name</li>
<li class="list">AutoBackup</li>
<div class="price-item">
<li class="plan">Business</li>
<li class="price">
<span class="price-doller">$9.99</span>
<span class="discount">Save 50%</span>
<li class="btn"><button>Get Started</button></li>
<li class="list">90 GB SSD</li>
<li class="list">Unlimited Websites</li>
<li class="list">Domaine Name</li>
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